Not a Club

May 19, 2013    Pastor Steve

You might already be a member in a club or two. It might be a gym or fitness club, a community group, a shopping club like Costco, or maybe you’re a member at the golf or curling club. You likely have a fairly set but unspoken definition of what membership is like and it’s purposes. You’ve likely taken that definition and applied it to your church as well. You access it’s services and resources when they fit your needs and passions and support it to make sure it's there when you do need it or don't let others down…What if God has a bigger picture of you belonging? What if God has better things in store for you than on demand products and services? What if His intentions are to make you into someone of so much importance that everything you do always matters? What if He isn’t offering you discounts on great information but unlimited access to all that is His? What would that look like?