FCCO belongs to the EMCC Family of Churches http://emcc.ca

The Way of Jesus: Seven Markers
Here is a simple language to describe what following Jesus looks like.
These seven markers characterize a follower of Jesus whether they are just starting out or have been on that journey for a lifetime. None of them stand alone; each are interdependent on the others as the strands of a rope combine to form one strong cord.
His LifeHIS LIFEI have begun following Jesus, and am depending on the Spirit of Jesus in my journey.
His MissionHIS MISSIONI am being sent by Jesus to bless others and invite them to follow Him.
HIS CHARACTERI am becoming like Jesus in my attitudes, behaviours, and character.
HIS LOVEI am learning to love God and love others.
HIS TEACHINGSI am learning the teachings of Jesus.
HIS DISCIPLERSI am helping someone and someone is helping me to be a reproducing follower of Jesus.
HIS COMMUNITYI am participating in a community of followers of Jesus on mission to the world.